Words that concern my work for Thunderhead and the Fanclub „The Headquarters“

I had the idea for this Thunderhead fansite back in 2001, because at that time there was very little to nothing of the band to be found on the Worldwide Web. I wanted to change that!

My advantage at that time was my takeover of the Thunderhead fan club „The Headquarters“, which I led together with Gaby Popp from 1991. During this time, we were on the road a lot, not only in Hanover, and took photos, videos and interviews.

As far as the history of Thunderhead is concerned, it was painstakingly created by me. To do this, I collected all the articles from various music magazines, arranged my own information through our fan club material next to private interviews and videos and started writing. It was a lot of work to arrange everything chronologically, write it down and check it again for accuracy. So, it took a long time until I finally had the complete band story together truthfully. – And I’m still very proud of that today!

As already mentioned, I took a lot of photos during my time as fan club leader as well as videos of various concerts in Germany and Japan, but also recordings especially at the request of JVC Japan from the studio time for „Killing With Style“. I captured both the recordings for the video shoot „Young & Useless“ and the concert for the band’s first live album at Glocksee in Hanover with my video camera. I still have all these still unseen Video 8 recordings and will digitize them like all other recordings and burn them to DVD.

The first original videos of Thunderhead „Take It To The Highway“ and „The Fire Is Burning“, which were created through Intercord at the time, were given to me as VHS video tapes by Ted Bullet himself. I later digitized these as well and uploaded them to YouTube – you can also find them here on the fansite under „Videos“.

I would like to share all these unseen videos with everyone, so I have already collected three DVDs full of Thunderhead material. In addition to our own recordings, these also contain many TV recordings of our fan club members and T-Head fans from Japan. l will digitize them like all other recordings and burn them to DVD.

– Just click on image to enlarge – 

Every band member of Thunderhead got these three DVDs from me at that time. Alex Scotti (ex-drummer T-Head) has even recently started to remaster some of these video recordings soundwise and publish them on YouTube and Facebook.

So, I will soon provide more video material to highlight a band that was highly appreciated by their fans, but very underestimated by other people at the time.  

In this sense: „Good things never last but the memory lives on“

Rocking regards,
Tina Mönke (aka Miss Monkey)